Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Coffee machine


Buying a new coffee machine after previous one break isn't easy. Two weeks of going around different coffee-machine-super-markets and I ended up with this conclusion: coffee machines are ugly, big and ugly or big, ugly and hard to use. So after those two weeks I ended up having a long term relationship with this Bialetti beauty. We have been together for a week now and are very very happy.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Winter Wonderland

Photo from SoupOpera blog
Lisää kuvateksti

Yes, it's official. It's winter now. And what it means? Cold, snow, white landscape and ugly clothing. Last saturday was the fourth Restaurant Day and Wannabe Ballerinas attended with After Ski hotdog restaurant. Yum yum but brrr brrr. I was wearing all my ski gear (I'm there in the middle looking smart and cool) and still was freezing out. It was -20 degrees or something. The rest of the winter I'll try and stay inside.