Wednesday 11 January 2012

New year, new gear

Last year I wrote a little summary of what had happened that year, and what should I achieve the next year. Now's the time to check how I managed to achieve last year's goals and what are my new years resolutions.

In the year 2011 I will:
1) move into that flat (DONE! though the flat still isn't quite finished yet)
2) develop my programming skills (DONE! was launched)
3) keep those hobbies instead of starting new ones (FAIL! I got a skateboard)
4) Perform at some greater stage than Tavastia (DONE! Yupp, Flow festival, Sweden etc. quite a year)
5) Travel to another continent never visited before (FAIL! Went to Australia, and I've been there before)

In the year 2012 I will:
1) Learn something new
2) Still develop my programming skills
3) Become a better ballerina
4) Win something
5) Enjoy my life instead of complaining all the time

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